Payment Options & Translation Fees

Our area of expertise lies in document translation, offering top-notch services at competitive prices within short turnaround times.


Cost Structure For Translation Services

Regular Plan

5 Working Days
  • Five Working Day Turnaround
  • A minimum of 100 words changed
  • No Extra Fee

Standard Plan

3 days working
  • Receive Both Copies in a Week
  • Initial assessment of Quantity Desired
  • With An Extra 30% Fee

1. Method of Payment

A trio of options exist for paying for a translation service:

  1. A) Direct bank deposit
  2. B) Bank transfer

Note: Wait for the invoice to be issued and refer to the invoice number before making any payments.

2. Method of Delivery

Interlingual Portugal will send you one copies of the project after our team of translators has carefully translated and reviewed the documents:

  1. A) A digital copy sent to your email.

The top-trained translators work for Interlingual Portugal, ensuring that every client receives a high-quality translation on schedule.

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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